Princess Charlene Deletes IG Account Amidst Reports of Separation

Princess Charlene Deletes Instagram account

Princess Charlene of Monaco appears to have deactivated her official instagram account on August 24, Thursday. The handle, hshprincesscharlene could no longer be found on instagram.

The deactivation happened just days after two European media channels revealed that she no longer lives in Monaco and only sees Prince Albert “by appointment”. 

Princess Charlene Deletes Instagram account
Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene attend the Red Cross Ball in July 2023

Princess Charlene Deletes Instagram account
Last official public appearance 

On August 22, tabloid reports from France and Germany claimed Prince Albert and Princess Charlene are no longer together and will just meet in Monaco to carry out royal duties. 

Their last public appearance together was in July this year for the Red Cross Ball charity gala in Monaco.

Allegedly, according to reports, a source close to the princely couple told a French newspaper Voici that the Sovereign Prince and his wife are just a “ceremonial couple” and Princess Charlene actually lives in Switzerland and would only come to Monaco when there's an official public appearance that requires her presence.

A second expose in a German tabloid claims Princess Charlene commutes back to Monaco on official occasions in exchange for greater visitation with her two children who are living with their father in the Prince's Palace.

Princess Charlene Deletes Instagram account
Princess Charlene and Prince Albert II on a summer getaway 

This shocking revelation of living separate lives followed three years of bizarre absences and persistent rumors of separation. Just this July the couple celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary. And seems all well.

They also attended King Charles III's Coronation in London on May 6, 2023, and even looked loved-up as they joined other royals at Westminster Abbey. 

Princess Charlene Deletes Instagram account
Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene are now intrigued to have separated 

The reports that Princess Charlene is secretly living in Switzerland alone came after the princely family had a beach summer getaway this month.

They spent their summer on a yacht trip and appeared happy with their eight-year-old twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella.

Princess Charlene Deletes Instagram account
Princess Charlene enjoying the beach

Based on photos shared by media channels, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene looked relaxed and even "loving" at some points while enjoying the sun-kissed white beach. 

However, it was reported that after the summer getaway, the couple went home separately. Princess Charlene slipped to Switzerland alone while her husband and children went home to Monaco. And she has not returned to the Palace since then, fuelling speculation of separation.

Princess Charlene Deletes Instagram account
The princely couple in their latest summer getaway 

According to reports, the source added, "Albert and Charlène are now good partners, take turns taking care of the children," a source said to German newspaper Bild.

The state of marriage of Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene has been subjected to intense speculation for the past years, but Prince Albert consistently denied the rumors that they are on the brink of divorce.

The prince's spokesperson even said: 'I would like to formally deny the malicious rumors peddled by the French magazine Royauté. Please disregard this article which is totally unfounded.'

So far, the Prince's Palace of Monaco has not issued an official statement regarding this latest issue of Princess Charlene living in Switzerland and why her official instagram account has been deactivated. 

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