King Harald V of Norway Hands Out Nobel Peace Prize to the Winner's Twins in Oslo

 Nobel Peace Prize 2023

The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony was held in Oslo, Norway, on December 10, 2023, on the death anniversary of Swedish industrialist, Alfred Nobel, around the same time the Nobel Prize for physics, chemistry, medicine, and literature was handed out in Stockholm, Sweden.

Norwegian royals, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, and Crown Princess Mette-Marit accompanied His Majesty King Harald V as he handed out the prize. 

Nobel Peace Prize 2023
King Harald V, Queen Sonja, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Crown Prince Haakon
Nobel Peace Prize 2023
The Crown Prince couple

But unlike the Swedish royals who traditionally graced the Nobel Prize ceremony in full court regalia, the Norwegian royals usually just attended the ceremony in their casual attires. 

Nobel Peace Prize 2023
King Harald V of Norway arrives to hand out the prize

Nobel Peace Prize 2023

Nobel Peace Prize Recipient 2023

The Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee awarded the Prize this year to Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian human rights campaigner who is currently behind bars, for her non-violent fight "against the oppression of women in Iran" and the promotion of human rights for all.

Nobel Peace Prize 2023
Narges Mohammadi's children receive the prize
Nobel Peace Prize 2023
King Harald V hands out the award to Narges Mohammadi's children

This year’s peace prize also recognizes the hundreds of thousands of people who, in the preceding year, have demonstrated against Iran’s theocratic regime’s policies of discrimination and oppression targeting women. 

Mohammadi is one of the leading human rights activists in Iran, fighting for women's rights and the abolition of the death penalty. She is the 19th woman in history to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Nobel Peace Prize 2023
Ali and Kiana received the award on behalf of their mother who is still in prison

The prize was received by her fraternal twins, 17-year-old Kiana and Ali Rahmani, on behalf of her. King Harald V of Norway handed out Mohammadi's children a gold medal, a diploma, and a cheque worth 11 million Swedish crowns (about $1 million).

In her speech, sent from Iran's notorious Evin prison, Mohammadi said the continued resistance and non-violence were the best strategies to bring about change.

"The Iranian people, with perseverance, will overcome repression and authoritarianism. Have no doubt, this is certain," she said in her speech read in French.

Nobel Peace Prize 2023
From left: Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Ali and Kiana Rahmani, Queen Sonja, and King Harald V of Norway

Mohammadi is serving multiple sentences on charges including spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic after her last arrest in November 2021.

"I write this message from behind the high, cold walls of a prison," Mohammadi said, adding that her life and the lives of many activists in Iran had been a constant struggle "to stay alive".

Mohammadi was symbolically represented on stage in Oslo by her portrait and an empty chair, highlighting that she is among only a handful of laureates to be prevented from attending the ceremony.

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