Belgian Royals Attend Annual Christmas Concert at the Royal Palace in Brussels

Belgian Royals Attend annual Christmas Concert

The Belgian Royal Family gathered at the Royal Palace in Brussels for the annual Christmas Concert.

Belgian Royals Attend annual Christmas Concert
From left: Princess Eleonore, Prince Emmanuel, Queen Mathilde, King Philippe, Princess Elisabeth 

This annual Christmas concert is organized traditionally prior at the palace attended by members of the Belgian Royal Family and will be aired on Christmas eve on multiple Belgian television channels.

Belgian Royals Attend annual Christmas Concert
The King and Queen and their children on their way to the concert hall ©Belgian Royal Palace 

Belgian Royals Attend annual Christmas Concert
The Belgian Royal Family
© Belgian Royal Palace 

This year, the concert was attended by King Philippe of the Belgians, Queen Mathilde, and their three children - the Duchess of Brabant, Prince Emmanuel, and Princess Eleonore. Prince Gabriel was not in attendance as he was still attending classes in the Royal Military Academy.

Belgian Royals Attend annual Christmas Concert
from left: Prince Laurent, Princess Claire, Prince Emmanuel, Queen Mathilde,King Philippe, Princess Elisabeth, and Princess Eleonore © Belgian Royal Palace 

Also in attendance were Prince Laurent of Belgium, the King's younger brother, and his wife, Princess Claire. 

Run for a cause

A day after the Christmas concert, Princess Elisabeth, the Duchess of Brabant, and her younger brother, Prince Emmanuel, participated in the Warmathon for the Warmste Week to help raise funds for DWW which aims to fight against poverty.

Princess Elisabeth and Prince Emmanuel participated in Warmathon
Princess Elisabeth, the Duchess of Brabant, and her younger brother, Prince Emmanuel participated in Warmathon. 

Princess Elisabeth and Prince Emmanuel participated in Warmathon
Princess Elisabeth, the Duchess of Brabant, and her younger brother, Prince Emmanuel participated in Warmathon. 

Princess Elisabeth and Prince Emmanuel participated in Warmathon
© Belgian Royal Palace 

The participants in the Warmathon can either run or walk, depending on the lap they will choose. Princess Elisabeth and Prince Emmanuel chose the 9 kilometers run. 

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