King Charles III Breaks Royal Tradition With His Christmas Message Broadcast 2023

King Charles III Christmas message 2023 

His Majesty King Charles III of the United Kingdom will deliver his second Christmas Speech as monarch today at 12:30 noon, UK Standard Time. 

In contrast to the previous monarch's Christmas message broadcast (including his in 2022), King Charles III's Christmas Message 2023 will be delivered from the center room of Buckingham Palace overlooking The Mall and decorated with a living Christmas tree.

This move is a nod to His Majesty's sustainability campaign and his green environment and nature conservationism advocacies. 

The living Christmas tree, which can be replanted after the broadcast, features sustainable decorations including hand-turned wood, pinecones, brown glass, dried oranges, and paper.

King Charles III Christmas message 2023
King Charles III stands before the living tree in Buckingham Palace's room. Photo credit: The Royal Family

Buckingham Palace released a photo of the King standing before the living tree, which is kept in a pot and can be used again next year.

It is the first time a replantable tree has been used as part of the annual festive address to the nation and the Commonwealth by the British monarch. 

Environmental Advocacy and Sustainability Campaign

King Charles III has made nature conservationism and sustainability his lifelong advocacies. He has spoken about his hopes for the environment — and specifically, the climate — in the past.

Just this month, he attended the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (or COP28) in Dubai and delivered a speech:

“In 2050, our grandchildren won’t be asking what we said, they will be living with the consequences of what we did or didn’t do," Charles said at the time, referring to climate talks as "an unmissable opportunity to keep our common hope alive."

"I can only urge you to meet it with ambition, imagination, and a true sense of the emergency we face, and together with a commitment to the practical action upon which our shared future depends," he added.

The King also made sure that his reign would be remembered as a period of spreading awareness about the planet's conservation and protection. All his activities, including how his private weekend home in Highgrove is run, centered on sustainability and the green movement.

King Charles on Christmas morning
King Charles and Queen Camilla on Christmas morning

The King's Christmas Speech, which was recorded in the Centre Room at Buckingham Palace, will also feature a glimpse of a potpourri bowl with a gilt metal cover which was "almost certainly acquired by George IV," per Buckingham Palace.

Princess Anne on Christmas morning
Anne, The Princess Royal on Christmas morning

Ahead of the broadcast, King Charles and Queen Camilla, accompanied by Princess Anne and her husband, Sir Tim Laurence, were spotted in Sandringham, Norfolk, on Christmas Eve. They attended a morning service at St. Mary Magdalene Church to ring in the holiday.

Merry Christmas to you all, wishing you joy, peace, love, and unity. Happy Holidays!

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